
医疗保健公司, facing strict regulatory requirements and substantial financial penalties, rely upon LBMC to establish and support fair market value for acquisitions, professional service agreements and other transactions.

LBMC的医疗估值团队将我们对复杂财务和监管事务的理解与我们汇编和分析大量财务和运营信息的能力相结合,以提供高效和可支持的估值服务. We present our conclusions through meaningful reports and visual aids. Our goal is to provide the highest quality of service to each of our clients.

LBMC为医疗保健社区提供大量的评估和咨询服务, serving clients across the continuum of care including the following:

  • 医生实践
  • 流动手术中心
  • 行为健康机构
  • 成像中心
  • 透析诊所
  • 医院和卫生系统
  • 辅助生活设施
  • 熟练护理设施
  • 家庭健康 & 临终关怀

What to consider when conducting an urgent care center valuation


What to consider when conducting an ambulatory surgery center valuation


医疗保健 Business and Asset Valuation 服务


  • 公司估值
  • 无形资产
  • Compensation arrangements for transactions
  • 法规遵从性
  • 需要证明书(“证明书”)
  • 商业合理性研究
  • 固定资产
  • 财务报告的估值
  • 诉讼支援服务

Learn more about 商业估价服务

医疗保健 Compensation Valuation 服务

医疗保健监管格局 是复杂的, 难以确定适当和合规的医生补偿服务. 法律和条例不断演变,对财务安排的审查越来越严格.

LBMC的医疗保健薪酬评估团队既了解复杂的财务和监管问题,又具备分析大量财务运营信息的能力 公平市价(FMV) opinions to ensure maximum compliance. 每个评估都分析医疗保健安排,以确定使用成本的公平市场价值(FMV)补偿, 收入和市场方法, 是适用的.


医生雇佣fmv是通过考虑所涉及的医生和雇主的独特事实和情况来处理的. LBMC considers the historical and projected production of the physician, 已公布的市场调查, 招聘挑战, among other available and applicable information. LBMC团队利用他们的专业知识来确定一个合规和可辩护的FMV结论.


如果与雇用供应商提供相同的服务相比,独立承包商在财务或运营上更有利,医疗保健组织就会利用它. Key considerations of these arrangements include the burden to the provider (e.g. time required, acuity of patients, malpractice risk, etc.),以及服务提供者能否就该安排下提供的服务收费.


随叫随到的安排通常有两种形式:有限制的覆盖范围和无限制的覆盖范围. 的 physician availability required by these arrangements can vary greatly. 受限制的保险要求医生在保险期间必须亲自出现在医疗机构. Hospital-based specialties are commonly arranged in this manner. Unrestricted coverage generally does not restrict the physician to the facility, 但是要求医生在距离医疗机构一定距离的范围内这样他们就可以在合理的时间内到达现场, 比如30分钟. 根据适用的监察长办公室(监察组)咨询意见中的准则和评论,审议每项安排的事实和情况,以确定独特的负担水平.


安排 医疗主任 服务(和其他行政服务)考虑到与向患者提供保健服务没有直接关系的活动. Stark III期法规对临床和行政工作做出了关键的区分,这些工作是由医生和要求提供的 FMV补偿 be determined for administrative physician services. LBMC completes a thorough analysis of the services provided, as well as the expertise and qualifications of the physician required.


医疗保健 management services can be either professional or clinical services. 专业管理通常由非医师业务人员执行,并与其他服务(如计费)结合提供, 设备租赁, 员工租赁, 信息系统, or electronic health records services. Clinical management is similar to 医疗主任ship arrangements; however, it is provided by a group of physicians, 而不是一个医生.

Joint Ventures and Leasing Arrangements

当两个或两个以上的企业同意分享利润时,就会出现合资企业安排, 损失, and control in a specific enterprise. 当一家医院试图从另一家医院借用设备时,可以采取租赁安排. LBMC uses its resources and experience to value these rates and arrangements.


医院通常直接与独立医生或医生团体签订合同,提供各种类型的服务. 在这些安排下, the physician group maintains its independent practice, for which the hospital is not financially or operationally responsible. This provides flexibility for the hospital and the physician group.

Subsidy and/or Collection Guarantee Arrangements

医院通常会与医院专科的医生团体安排保险, 特别是当医院难以确保临床领域的合格工作人员时. 医院通常与独立的医疗保健提供者签订合同,提供24小时现场和随叫随到的服务. Due to low patient volumes and/or high indigent patient volumes, healthcare providers may be unable to collect sufficient professional fees. 结果是, 医院可以补贴覆盖范围或保证基于市场的收集,以确保持续和充分的覆盖.

Physician Compensation Consulting/ Planning

LBMC医生薪酬咨询和计划首先与提供者讨论他们的愿景, values and goals to help align compensation with the organizations objectives. LBMC completes a thorough review and assessment of current compensation models, 建议财务可持续和合规的模式,并协助组织实施薪酬计划.

Clinical Co-Management Arrangements

当医疗机构与一组受雇或独立的医生签订合同,以管理医院服务项目的质量时,就会出现临床共同管理安排. 这些协议的安排是为了使机构和医生的目标保持一致,并且通常包括实现高质量结果目标的激励. LBMC analyzes the administrative duties, 临床职责和商定的目标,以确定公平的市场价值补偿的服务.


LBMC薪酬评估团队了解当今医疗保健公司面临的严格监管要求和巨额财务处罚. 我们通过收集和分析重要事实来进行尽职调查,并仔细关注风险或担忧.

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